Learn to create preferred emotional states from the inside out, regardless of past history, current circumstances, or other people.
with Justice Schanfarber
I specialize in helping people fine-tune their “inner game” and access the guidance, clarity, and strength within. My unique method is built on a holistic understanding of cognitive, somatic, and emotional intelligences, and engages body, mind, and spirit.
Over a decade of experience as a therapist and counselor helping people worldwide informs my work.
Beginning with the evocative and unusual question “How do you want to feel?“, I can teach you to reverse-engineer your moment-to-moment life experience according to your desire and capacity to embody and express positive emotions like joy, clarity, confidence, and satisfaction.
This allows you to start creating your life experience intentionally, from the inside out, rather than remaining subject to the default patterns of thinking, feeling, and behavior that you innocently adopted before you discovered that you had a choice in the matter.
The results of this are twofold. First, you get to enjoy a vastly improved relationship with yourself as you increase the creative control you have over your inner emotional and mental life. Second, you become a much more powerful and effective creator of your outer world, including how you shape your relationships, your work, and everything that you care about.
My clients are applying this in many ways, including:
- Improving a marriage or relationship
- Gaining personal clarity and self-confidence
- Optimizing leadership and management
- Developing a successful career, business, or profession
- Building a happy and healthy family
- Increasing mental and emotional health and well-being
- Enjoying a stable and satisfying sense of purpose, peace, and passion
- Navigating a significant change like divorce or death
- Supporting the success and well-being of team members, associates, and loved ones
Listen to real-life client stories, told in their own voice, in their own words – Click Here.
Working with me
Working with me is simple. We will schedule weekly coaching calls for as long as you are benefiting.
Expect our conversations to deliver practical insights that easily translate into actionable clarity for real world results. These weekly dialogues are exhilarating, satisfying, insightful, and soothing, and will provide you with tools to be your most effective, confident, best self so that you can thrive in any situation, relationship, or life context.
My business is primarily by referral, and most of my clients have been working with me for two years or longer. To learn more about my background and approach click here.
I serve clients worldwide. If you are interested in working with me, request a client information package by email. Please include your country of residence.