Clarity and self-alignment to help you thrive at your leading edge
Over a decade of experience helping hundreds of people worldwide informs my work.
A long and lively career in coaching and counselling has taught me that whatever aspect of life you want to improve – relationships, family, career, health, or anything else – finding your clarity and then aligning yourself with this clarity, first in thought and feeling, and then through action, is the basic formula for creating the life experiences you want.
If this is not coming easily for you, I can help:
I specialize in guiding people toward clarity about what they want, and helping them get into personal alignment with this clarity: mentally, emotionally, and physically.
This is a process and an art. Everyone finds their way to clarity and self-alignment a little differently, and I know this territory so well that I can help most people find their path.
[If these words feel resonant, and you’d like a precise and inspiring explanation of “self-alignment”, click here.]
My approach is customized for every client I help, but there’s a three step process that always applies:
- Establish your connection to your inner clarity. Sometimes this is understood as your best self, your wise self, your authentic self, your essence, or your source. This connection is established through some combination of cognitive, emotional, and somatic (embodied) guidance and coaching.
- Identify your current habitual patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior and assess them for alignment with the clarity you have established.
- Begin to re-engineer and optimize your thought, feeling, and behavior to intentionally support what you want rather than inadvertently getting in the way of what you want. Everyone has blind spots in this regard, and it’s very beneficial to clean them up. (Read an inspiring real-life client’s example of this – Click Here.)
These three steps are woven throughout our sessions and will repeat over the course of our work together as you continue to refine your relationship with yourself, move into ever greater alignment with what you want, and become a conscious and skillful creator of your life experience.
People who practice these steps and apply them consistently are able to achieve transformative results, sometimes quite quickly, and find their way to thriving in a variety of life circumstances and applications, including:
- Improving a marriage or relationship
- Navigating a significant change or crisis like divorce or death
- Developing a successful career, business, or profession
- Optimizing leadership and management for organizations, teams, or projects
- Building a happy and healthy family
- Enjoying a stable and satisfying sense of clarity, purpose, and peace
- Supporting the success and well-being of those you love and care about
Results like these are often difficult to achieve through conventional attempts at problem solving, but are the natural outcome of the clarity and self-alignment coaching approach that I offer.
Listen to real-life client stories, told in their own voice, in their own words – Click Here.
Working with me
Working with me is simple. We will schedule weekly coaching calls for as long as you are finding satisfaction and enjoyment.
Expect our conversations to deliver practical insights that easily translate into actionable clarity for real world results. These weekly dialogues are exhilarating, satisfying, insightful, and soothing, and will provide you with tools to be your most effective, confident, best self so that you can thrive in any situation, relationship, or life context.
I’ve helped a diverse range of clients find clarity and self-alignment as they grow and expand their personal or professional leading edge, including teachers, tech entrepreneurs, world travelers, doctors, heavy machinery operators, business owners, finance managers, tradespeople, psychologists, film actors, and more.
My business is primarily by referral, and most of my clients have been working with me for two years or longer. To learn more about my background and approach click here.
I serve clients worldwide. If you are interested in working with me, request a client information package by email. Please include your country of residence.
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