Free 7-Day Audio Course: The Gentle Art of Emotional Mastery

Learn to create preferred emotional states from the inside out, regardless of past history, current circumstances, or other people.

with Justice Schanfarber
Do you care about how you feel?

The Gentle Art of Emotional Mastery is about fully befriending your innate human desire to feel good, and learning how to use this desire as a compass to guide you in every step of your life.

Ultimately it’s about self-love and self-trust. It is clear and practical guidance for cultivating these sometimes vague-sounding but very real and important qualities in everyday life.

A new methodology and mindset

Over a decade of experience working as a counselor and therapist led me to some profound discoveries about the abilities of some people to achieve a great deal of emotional self-direction and mastery with relative ease and enjoyment.

These discoveries inspired and guided a four year project of developing a unique coaching methodology and mindset: The Gentle Art of Emotional Mastery.

I’ve been absolutely delighted with the results, and I’m very happy to be able to share what I’ve learned, with you, in this free course.

I’ve made the course free because I want to share the value of what I’ve learned as widely as possible, with no cost barrier. I charge for my other courses and books, and for coaching and consulting, and I just wanted to give this one as a gift.

I’ve tried to make the entire course as enjoyable as possible, with no ads and no interruptions. You will be invited to make a financial contribution if it suits you, but there’s no pressure.

This is certainly some of my best work yet, and I’m proud to share it with you.

What’s in the course?

The course is delivered through seven professionally recorded and carefully edited audio modules, averaging twenty minutes each in length. High quality sound production makes listening a pleasure.

Once you sign up you’ll be taken to day one and the first recording. Each module has its own page, including an audio file and a brief written summary for easy reference. You can click between modules easily. I recommend doing one module each day, but if you feel eager, go ahead and do them as quickly as you like.

On the first day you’ll hear me encouraging you to embrace your desire to feel good. Then I will explain in detail how to gently move yourself toward the kind of emotional mastery that allows you to create your own emotional experience at will.

I’ll lead you in a variety of guided embodiment exercises to help you get these daily teachings deep in your bones. Listeners tell me how enjoyable, soothing, and supportive these guided embodiment exercises are.

On day three I’ll introduce you to the three human operating systems, giving you three different ways to enjoy shaping your inner emotional world from the inside, finishing with another guided embodiment exercise to provide a somatic grounding and viscerally satisfying understanding of the teachings.

On day four we’ll talk about how the inner world that we create through emotion contributes to our creation of our outer material world of people, places, and things. I’ll share some personal stories from my life, and we’ll do another guided embodiment exercise.

Each day’s recorded lesson is approximately twenty minutes long, and the entire course is a little over two hours. The leading-edge ideas will inspire and guide you again and again, and are worth hearing repeatedly. I still listen for my own ongoing learning and enjoyment, discovering new layers and stimulating fresh insights each time.

As you make your way through the seven modules, share your questions and comments in the comments section of this page, or email them to me. I will either respond directly or use them to help shape my next offerings.

If you find strong resonance with the ideas in this course and want more, I will be offering advanced teachings and supplementary resources to support, encourage, and inspire you on this exciting path. Once you’re signed up for the course you’ll get notified of new offerings. Of course you can unsubscribe anytime.

Do you know someone who could benefit from this course? You can share this page with the buttons below.

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